Sunday, May 21, 2006

A work in progress

Well, the baby bed is set up, and our church donated a nice rocker to us. The room is really coming together. My mother in law and her husband got us the baby bed and after chasing down missing parts, we finally got it together. My excitement is growing! I can't wait. The rocker was a real surprise. Our church is in the process of moving buildings and wanted to get rid of a rocker, so on our way out of church our pastor's wife said, "Do you want that rocker?" I thought she was kidding, but she wasn't. I can't believe how great all of this is. Here are some pics of assembling the bed and rocking the current baby of the house.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A New Experience

I had a new experience this week. My team at work threw me a baby shower. I, of course, have never had a baby shower before. It was very nice. I am waiting on pics to be emailed to me. I will share when I get them. There was a really cute cake, and I got several nice things-- mostly toys that my husband will enjoy as much as the baby. One thing I thought was funny is the school nurse and aide got me an ear thermometer. Pretty fitting from them. Anyway, we are working on getting the room and our house ready for our homestudy visit. It seems to be taking forever! We put together our first piece of furniture last night, a changing table. I am still so excited. You would think I was really pregnant because I am so emotional. I talk to someone about a baby, and tears come to my eyes. What a mess I am! Here are some pics of the handy dandy papa at work.

Mr. Kitty had to investigate also.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Getting Closer

Well, we are about to have our last week of classes which have been very eye opening. The next step will be for someone to come out to our house and look at it. They will interview us together and seperately, asking all kinds of personal questions. Can't wait for that! ha! This step is called the Homestudy.

Anyway, speaking of our home, we have moved some things around. Originally we had decided to close in part of our garage to accommodate an office, but we have decided to rearrange instead. We now have our computer desk and a couple musical instruments in the living room. D always drags the guitar in the living room to play anyway, so why not keep it there? The other music stuff is now going in our bedroom along with my scrappbooking supplies. We are moving our bookshelves to the garage with an extra table we had. Now with our extra fridg out there, we can have a great poker night. All we need is the neon sign saying O'R*****'s Pub. (didn't want to put the whole last name, but those of you who know us can fill in the blanks)

We will be going to register today. Probably Target and Babies R us. I am so excited! I don't exactly know what all to register for, but it will be fun deciding! In my estimation, providing all goes well with our homestudy, we should have a child by mid June.