Thursday, June 29, 2006

Homestudy Part Two

We made it through our second and hopefully final homestudy visit. I hate the thought of having a homestudy part 27 post. I think part two is enugh for me. Hopefully my next post will be saying we are approved. Anyway, we did what she said at her last visit. She checked those things off, and gave us some more paperwork to take care of. I thought special ed had a lot of paperwork OMG! But, I am not complaining. As I told the homstudy worker, I would sign papers all day if it means I get to be a mom.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Homestudy Part 1

Well, we had our first visit from the homestudy caseworker on Saturday. It was not exactly how I expected it. I was crazy cleaning and making sure everything was set up, and we just did a quick walk through and she just checked, clean, no hanging wires or highly unsafe areas. We only have a couple things to do. We have to put smoke detectors in each bedroom, and write out a plan for evacuation and fire drill. I also expected her to pepper us with uncomfortable questions, but she was having more of a conversation about our childhood rather than a typical interview. She will be back on Wed. to confirm the things we had to do and ask a few more questions after she reviews what we talked about. I am so excited. Things may be moving slowly, but they are moving. Keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Waiting Game

Well, we are still waiting to get a call from our homestudy worker. We have a bunch of baby stuff, now they just need to come look at it and interview us. I don't like the waiting game. I have never been a good "waiter". Continue to pray for us.