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Well, our representative from Depelchin called us with the schedule of classes we have to take to foster/adopt. We begin on April 12th and finish on May 11th. During that time we will have our homestudy done where they come look at our house and ask us lots of personal questions. I am so excited! I hope things go smoothly for us.
We are also closing in part of our garage to make an office. With only two bedrooms we need more space for the child. We should get that going in about two or three weeks. When we are done I will start decorating the child's bedroom. I need a generic theme for the room. When I was a child, I loved Winnie the Pooh. Maybe I will go with that-- but not that classic Pooh stuff. I like the original fat belly red shirt Pooh. I welcome any suggestions for a generic birth to six years theme for the room.